Friday, July 29, 2011

San Diego Comic Con 2011 Recap

Wow, we did it! We survived our FRESHMAN year at SDCC. It was a great experience, but also extremely exhausting. With only a few small conventions under our belt we had a long week ahead of us, luckily we had some familiar faces and gracious neighbors to guide us along the way.

We certainly were tiny little fish in a sea of giants, but we managed to keep our heads above water, which may not be great for fish but is totally fine with us. We learned a lot and made some valuable contacts. Next year we will be better prepared and hope to increase our fan base. For now we are just happy to have been part of such an event.

First we gotta give a great big shout out to the fans new and old who supported us. We love you and are forever grateful. THANK YOU!!!!

Kirk Kushin & Robert Luedke were super awesome neighbors.

Jim Lujan (Ghettomation), Jose Cabrera (Crying Macho Man) and Michael Aushenker (Cartoon Flophouse) brought the funny to comic con and were cool enough to be seen in public with us after the con.

We were so glad "El Muerto" creator Javier Hernandez could make it out for a few days. He was promoting his latest comic "The Battle of Santa Muerta" an action packed mash up of his characters "El Muerto" and "Weapon Tex-Mex" a must read!! He also had custom sketch dolls seen above with the freshman figures.

The coolest new find this year was definitely Ryan Claytor. His work is extremely autobiographical and hilarious. It was awesome talking to him and learning about his approach to comic making. We highly recommended picking up some of his stuff.

It wouldn't be a party without the Houghton Bros. They were promoting their re-released full color comic REED GUNTHER at the Image booth.

We had the pleasure of being interviewed by Tony Orozco from Pretty Cheeky an online entertainment website.

Back at the Forever Freshman table we partied with Yo! and Boner.

Here are some more fun photos

The most surprising and inspiring thing we saw was the Aquabats panel. These guys have been trying to make a TV show since the 90's and finally they are teaming up with the HUB network to bring us "The Aquabats Super Show". Best of luck to those guys.


  1. Great meeting you guys! Thanks for the plug and I'm bringing your book with me on TOUR (, as I haven't had time to read it since comic-con ended. Can't wait to dive into it, though!

    Take care,

    Ryan Claytor
    Elephant Eater Comics

  2. Yeah, that's right! This was FOREVER FRESHMAN's freshman year at Comic Con! Very happy for you two, glad to see you making it out to the big show. Keep them comics coming, and keep growing that fan base.

    Thanks for the kinds words, too!

    Javier Hernandez

  3. Thanks a lot. It was great seeing you guys at SDCC. Hope to do it again next year.
